Meal 1: Miso Hot Pot and Glazed Diakon Radish
· In a sauce pot large enough to holt them, lightly sauté or steam the vegetables until they just wilt.
· Shake the miso soup and pour over the vegetables. Allow to come up to just a simmer - but do not boil.
· Briefly microwave the noodles etc. to get the chill out. Portion the noodles, tofu and edamame into serving bowls. Ladle the hot soup and veg into the bowls and serve.
· Heat a little butter in a sauté pan. When hot add the diakon, its garnish and any remnant ginger butter in the jar. Toss and allow to heat through. A lid may speed the process.
Meal 2: Brussels Sprouts Pan Roast, Spelt-Flax Bread, Romaine Salad
· Heat the pan roast in a saute or sauce pan. Allow to simmer a minute or two to finish the sprouts all the way through.
· Warm the bread.
· Dress the salad.