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Italian Grain Bowl and Potato Leek Soup

Potato Leek Soup, Semolina-Flax Batard, Spicy Greens Mix

  • Heat the soup gently to a simmer. Simmer about 2 minutes. Serve.

  • Warm the bread and serve with butter.

  • Dress the Salad.

Slow Roasted Heritage Pork and/or Navy Bean Ragout over Farro w. Brown and Black Rice Rice, Creamy Red Onions, and Sautéed Lacinato Kale

  • Omnivores remove the pork from the ragout jars. Break or cut it into large pieces. Heat the pieces in a sauté pan allowing the pork's fat and gel to melt. Stir the pieces to heat evenly and perhaps use a lid to even out the process. Add a very little amount of little olive oil as needed to aid the process of heating the pork and even crisping the edges a bit. 2-3 minutes. Add the beans and very gently fold together. Simmer 2 minutes.

  • Heat a little butter or oil in a sauté pan. When hot add the rice. Toss. Allow to heat through and become fragrant. Transfer to serving bowls.

  • Remove and inspect the kale leaves. Chop them crosswise into pieces about 1/2" wide.

  • Heat a little oil in a sauté pan and heat over medium. When hot add the kale. Stir and fry. Season lightly with salt and toss. When bright and wilted serve atop the rice in the bowls. Top with the ragu.

  • Heat the onion mixture quickly in the hot sauté pan over medium heat, tossing and stirring to heat through. 1-2 minutes. Serve on top of the ragu.

  • So, bottom to top: rice/farro, then greens, then ragu/pork/ then onions. Enjoy.

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