Udon Bowl with Chashu Pork or Tofu & Miso Roasted Vegetables
Heat the broth to just a simmer. Hold the simmer.
Heat the miso roasted vegetables ( diakon, carrot, and cabbage along with g. onion and wakame) briefly in a microwave, in bursts, to get the chill out and just warm them. Portion into serving bowls
Examine the pork carefully for butchers twine( as you see in the photo) and cut and remove any you find. Slice the cold chashu pork across the grain into thin slices about 1/8" thick. If this is difficult, cut it crosswise - top to bottom across the cut face of the portion 'circle' as it were. Heat a pan with just a little oil. When very hot add the slices and lightly sear them briefly on one side - about 1 minute. Use a spatula to remove the slices carefully and reserve.
Vegetarian portions should treat the baked tofu similarly as above, but cut the slices about 3/8" thick, or cubes, or however you prefer, and sear both sides.
Heat a pot of salted water to a boil You will need just enough water to plunge the noodles.
When boiling, rinse the noodles in a strainer, then drop them into the water. Cook 1 minute then pour them through the strainer. Drain well and transfer them to your serving bowls, arranging mostly on on one side of the bowl, opposite the vegetables.
Ladle the hot broth over the noodles and vegetables in each bowl.
Top with the pork and serve.
Try to time this so it all comes together at about the same time, best you can.
Pasta e Fagioli w. Spelt Loaves and Escarole Salad
Heat the soup to a simmer. Simmer 1-2 minutes, serve.
Warm the bread.
Dress the Salad.