Cream of Asparagus Soup, Seeded Batard, Romaine Salad
Heat the soup gently or serve chilled.
Warm the bread and serve with good olive oil.
Dress the Salad.
Shahi Paneer, Potato and Spinach Dal, Basmati Pilaf
Heat the potato dal very gently. In a dish in a microwave might be best. On the stovetop is fine but maybe add a little water.
Hat a little oil in a non-stick or well seasoned pan. When hot, add the rice. Stir and fry the rice to heat through and get a little crisp. When hot transfer to a serving bowl.
Cut the paneer into approximately 5/8" cubes.
Reoil and heat the pan. When hot but not smoking carefully add the paneer cubes. Brown them on at least 2 sides using a utensil to turn them. About 1 minute per side - they go pretty quick. When browned lower the heat and add the tomato curry sauce to the pan with the paneer. Simmer 1-2 minutes and serve.