Meal 1: Rice Bowl w. Roasted Pork and/ or Pinto Beans and Cucumber Salsa Verde
· Heat the rice in a sauté pan with a little oil. Toss, season, and use a lid to heat through. transfer to serving bowls.
· Add a little more oil and heat the pork. Allow it to crisp a little and again use the lid and maybe just a splash of water to heat through. Add to the rice. Heat the beans and add them too.
· Season the cucumber salsa with a little salt and top the rice bowlwith it. Serve.
Meal 2: French New Potato and Napa Stew, Poppy-Sesame Boule, Mixed Head Lettuce Salad
· Heat the stew gently and simmer 1-2 minutes.
· Warm the bread.
· Dress the salad