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Enchiladas and Black Bean Soup

Meal 1: Bean, Sweet Corn and Cheese Enchiladas with Ranchero Sauce over Latin Rice w. Sautéed Spinach

· Microwave the enchiladas briefly to get the chill out then transfer to a 350° oven. Bake for 10 to 30 minutes depending on share size, or until the edges of the tortillas are crisp and the insides are hot.

· Heat the sauce in the microwave and when the enchiladas are nearly done, top them with the sauce and then return to the oven for 5 minutes more.

· Sauté the spinach in butter and serve on the side.

Meal 2: Cuban Black Bean Soup, Jerked Rice, Roasted Sweet Potatoes

· Heat the soup gently.

· Heat a little butter or oil in a sauté pan. When hot add the sweet potatoes and toss. Allow to heat through, using a lid to speed the process.

Reheat and oil the pan. Add the rice. Toss/ stir to coat. Allow to heat through and become fragrant.Serve.

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