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Big Fat Burritos and Sweet Corn Bisque

Meal 1: Big Fat Burritos with Spanish Rice

· Microwave the burrito briefly to get the chill out and the either: A) bake on a cookie sheet at 325° for 15-20 minutes or B) Heat some oil in a saute pan. When hot but not smoking add the pre-warmed burritos seam side down. Allow to fry in the oil until the tortilla is browned - 1-2 minutes. Use tongs to turn the burrito and brown the opposite side. Repeat for all sides. Serve.

· Heat the rice in a sauté pan with a little butter and serve.

Meal 2: Sweet Corn Bisque, Semolina-Sesame Seed Batard, Spinach Salad w. Marinated Chick Peas

· Warm the soup gently.

· Warm the bread.

· Give the chick peas a quick zap in the microwave then toss with the spinach, dress and serve.

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