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Sweet and Sour Meatballs & Winter Pizza

Flatbread Pizza w. Broccoli, Potato, and Red Onion, Kamut Salad w. Grapefruit Vinaigrette, Escarole Salad

  • Unwrap the pizzas. Arrange the cheese ( and maybe some of the toppings) evenly across the top. Preheat the oven to 450, arrange them on cookie sheets and bake for about 10 minutes. Serve when hot and the cheese is lightly browned.

  • Toss the kamut with its garnishes and dressing, check the salt, and serve at room temp.

  • Dress the greens

Sweet and Sour Meatball/ Fried Cheese Rice Bowl

  • Omnivores: Remove and reserve the meatballs. Microwave them briefly to get the chill out.

  • Vegetarians: Unwrap the paneer and cut it into approximately 3/4" cubes. Heat a little oil in a sauté pan over medium. When hot. add the cheese cubes and brown them on each side ( or as many for which you have patience. Shoot for 4). They brown fairly quick. Reserve.

  • Add the sauce and braised cabbage to a sauce pan. Bring to a simmer. Nestle the meatballs or cheese into the sauce/ cabbage mix and simmer gently about 3-5 minutes. Maybe use a lid. Check the seasoning of the sauce before serving.

  • Heat a little oil or butter in a sauté pan. When hot add the wild/ brown rice mix and sauté. Allow to become fragrant and hot then portion into bowl and serve the S&S on top.

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